Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Something stinky, state of Denmark...

Well.. that's ridiculous. And.. ADORABLE. (I love the end so much)

And this is inspirational

Anything I post here, I've probably already posted to Facebook or whatnot, as my life is small and boring. And driven by certain social networking sites.

Had a beautiful time last night with dear friend, who listened to my current situation, and thought about it, and said how it sounded to him, in honest and clear ways that felt right. *sigh* Thank you, dear friend!!! Granted, everything's still the same, but very very lucky for good friends who'll put up with my whining.

Something's amiss. Something's stinky. Something's not right.. It's probably just me just trying to assign the world with my own kerfuffle.

Things I'm looking into:
- Flooring. Isn't that exciting?
- Teach for America. Let's have the government assign me a purpose!
- Hey, did you know that you can get to Ireland and back for under $500 in March via Aer Lingus. Do I have $500? No. Does this make me want to continue to charge crap on my card? Of course. $500 for twice across the Atlantic is staggering. Dangit.

Things I'm looking forward to:
- Ka-Baam!!! TOMORROW!! 10 p.m., BLB!
- Mixed Tape!!! Friday!! 10:30 p.m., ComedySportz!
- Weathermen sexily whispering temperatures in.. the 30s!
- Meeting my mom in AZ to go see my sister in AZ.

Time to go do um... a puppet show about infectuous diseases. Yep.


1 comment:

Tara said...

Dear Deer. Oh my word! That was strangely funny.

Thinking next week may work for a trip north. I'll fill you in on FB and spare your comment readership the boring details. ;)