Friday, May 23, 2008

And it's... one more *something*... *day* in the canyon...

Why can't I remember the rest of that Counting Crows' lyric? Why does it matter? Why? Hah! It's day! I remember! Take that Adam Horowitz, dready mopey man!!

It's in the mid fourties in the Grand Canyon, according to the interweb! Oh crappers. I have packed only shorts. This may required a change of packing (I packed yesterday, and it was all shorts) And perhaps... I dunno. What do you do when its rainy in AZ?

Chance of Rain
47° F | 29° F

Partly Cloudy
56° F | 36° F

Partly Cloudy
61° F | 36° F

Either way, it doesn't matter! Desert in bloom, Desert in cold, Desert in hot is all desert I haven't seen yet. My partner in crime turns thirty in mere days, and wanted to do a trek with friends. To the Grand Canyon.

I like this idea. It seems both very young, yet very adult. It's the sort of trip that you're supposed to do in college, but I never did (barring one trip to MN to ski. Which was lovely, short and I don't remember most of it). And wouldn't adult friends go traveling in groups for fun? I guess... we never have so we're going to try it. Four adult friends, toodling around Arizona. Possibly cold and rainy Arizona!

The NanoForum just about wore me out this week. There's so much sturm und drang around these things - - right now, I expend about as much energy at it as doing a big ole' show, but instead of show"wheee!!", I have to watch what I say. And facilitate conversation. And that doesn't need to be stressful, but right now, it kind of is. It's not performance, but it's like performance. It's improv, but what you say is actually vaguely important. Whewwwwww.. Bu† it's done. I've been debriefed. The next one doesn't happen for at least a month. W00000000ttt!!!

Yoga class last night was all shades of lovely. I like yoga and that stretching makes you sweat. Also, giving running an A. I like running. I like being outside. I like that it makes me feel all endurance-filled. cool.

Hit the Loring Pasta Bar for a going away party after Yoga. Darn lovely. Darn lucky.

CTC lobby class of mysteriousness tonight, then looking forward to relaxing and goodness... finally, catching a plane way too early in the morning, landing in AZ around 9:30 a.m., and we'll see what this holds.

Pictures soon too.


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