Saturday, May 17, 2008

Things I learned from Indiana Jones...

- Nazis are bad
- Indian people eat monkey brains
- Girls can be annoying
- Don't eat dates
- Always keep your hat
- God can get pissed

Will another generation enjoy these movies and learn these same lessons? I'd like to hope so...

Go Friday! I went jogging after work (5.5 songs!) -- I like this excuse for being outside. It's both socially acceptable, and weirdly private. And equates to outside goodness. I then laid in the grass, and attempted to suck in some color - both thru my skin and my eyes. Beautiful day! And the colors are pretty rockin' right now...

Then to Partner in Crime's and onto Joe's Garage. Hello patio! Hello leisure! Hello Steve-our-waiter!

Drew has a new theory which I dig, and he'd do a better job explaining, but the main question to ask yourself is "Are you an omega man?" vs. an alpha male... If you read this blog, you might just be an omega man, and that's pretty awesome.

I raced over to Bedlam and failed getting into Romeo & Juliet -- I suck. However, I succeeded in getting rained, giving/getting hugs, spending some time on another patio, and sharing beers with Brinsley & her fiance', who both rocks my socks. Awesome and lucky.

Met back up with Partner in Crime, and onto Nye's. Nye lended itself excellently to conversation, and Drew even danced the tail end of a polka with me.

I went out for a smoke, only to find a crap load of happy people and an amazing bike-contraption, as big as a car. The bike contraption took 8 people to pedal (2 rows facing each other), one person to steer, and one guy in back to shift gears. I didn't have time to grab Drew: they screamed "Get on!!!!" so I got. Awesome -- we went really slow for two blocks before I got off: it was fun to work together, scream at everyone, and pedal this monstrosity up Hennepin. And it was just play with happy, generous strangers. Thank u, stoned bike-mashin' engineering nuvo-punks of the west bank! :) 'Came back to Nye's all grinny.

So --
a) Partner totally gave me a great night -- thank u, POC!!! :)
b) I will see other people's shows and not suck so much!!!
c) I need to get my a$$ in gear.... Right now. Museum and hopefully go help some Beukemas!


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