Thursday, May 08, 2008

A questionably named sandwich...

I don't think the title adds any appeal.

Ohmigoodness. Today was good - pretty lucky.

Museum. My brain was mostly focused on tonight. 'Was able to take a break around 3:45, and jog for four songs. I've been doing jogging by mp3 player distance - Monday was 5 songs, Tuesday was 3 songs, today was 4. I'm taking it slow and short, which works fine for me. Beth mentioned running/training for a race, which sort of blew my mind -- I hadn't even thought of that. Weird. How goal oriented...

And then - whew! - nanoforum. (Dave got us Cosettas for dinner -- yummers!) 13 people showed up for the forum, 10 people stayed -- and it went really well! Awesome discussions and sharing. Very lucky! Lovely people! We did it! 'Proud. Yea! I'm learning a lot, I think...

Now, I'm home and there's animals and I'm watching Episode II, brain draining happily into droids (I swear it's for work.. a little) and a beer.


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