Friday, May 16, 2008

This is what happens when we all get along....

Whew. Beautiful day out. I've been trying to spend part of my day pulling dandelion heads out of my yard, and its impossible not to repeat the time-tested dandelion head-popping phrase "momma had a baby and their head popped off" *pop dandelion head off of unassuming dandelion stem* Get about 8 or so 3rd graders doing this, and you'll have a horrible dandelion genocide... (in writing this, I'm assuming that y'all learned that very handy, fairly graphic phrase in elementary school. That's where I learned it, I swear...)

Last night was a Bingo show of very loud proportions, and Jen-as-nun forgot what Jen-as-nun usually says. Bad interactive comedian. Blood of Christ jokes (as this is all I know of Catholicism) and, when accused of not having an uterus (seriously... strange audience), I told her that I'd get it back in heaven. Not particularly funny, but she drunk-laughed... That's a memory, dammit! (errrrr...)

My roommate's cat has gone mad... Or is just goofy. It's kinda cute, actually... :)

Let's go to the museum, booyah booyah... Let's go to a show tonight, booyah.... Have a lovely Friday please!


1 comment:

Tara said...

Thanks for the dandelion poem reminder! I'll have to send my almost third grader out with his brother. Our pasture is simply one big yellow field. Beautiful really if you don't think about how soon all the dandelions will go to seed and multiply like, well, weeds.

(BTW, same third grader and one of his little brothers spent all weekend as Indiana Jones and either Mutt or Jigsaw Jones depending on the time of day catching adventure after adventure out on the farm.)