Wednesday, May 14, 2008

PB & Js on Toast

PB&Js on toast may be one of the best things ever. This morning, a PB&J on toast has not only soothed my stomach, but filled it. Much like a mother. Thanks, PB&J.

Last night was madness! Madness! Not crazed madness, but hey-look-what-we're-doin'-now madness.

College friend Becky flew out for the Flight of the Conchords. She met up with me at the museum (got to see an old acquaintance and her huge adoring baby!), we picked up Steph, drove to Mpls, changed in the parking garage (Beck even changed her bra), and onto Solera. Damn, the food at Solera is good. Damn, the food at Solera is pricey. The trouble with tapas. We got happily filled and sauced, and then walked next door, where herds of FOTC fans were flocking. We took some pictures. People were happy.

Becky and my dear friend Dave-in-SanFran were college-sweethearts. It ended painfully, but they were together for 5+ years. In your early twenties. That's something huge and painful at a time when everything is huge and dramatic. Becky and Dave unknowningly circle and satellite each other, no matter how far they live apart. If I hear from one, I am almost guarantee'd to hear from the other in about a week. After months of not hearing from either. I'm just a moon, who gets aftershocks of whenever these planets unknowningly come aligned. Someday, there'll be an eclipse, and they'll run into each other, but for now - - they just circle.

Needless to say, Dave called while we were in the Orpheum's lobby, buying booze. Funny.

- they were wonderful.
- I need glasses.
- crowds kinda suck. Please stop screaming things at them, and let them play. I am a grumpy old woman.
- It felt like they kinda rushed through a lot of their "hits".
- I wanted them to play a simple cover song, super bad. You know.
- There's a new wonderful song about Jemaine falling in love.
- I am not a Jemaniac. However, I am Bretarded.

One of the best parts of being at the Orpheum - - all the old crew who worked the Proms were there. Many hugs. Much goodness. Even saw Travis and Eric - - so funny. :)

We then raced our way to Rock Bottom Brewery, where we were confronted with some of the strangest appetizers in existence ("Titan Toothpicks"! There's pesto in this "quesadilla"! Weird!)

Woke up with an upset tummy (thanks PB&J!) and the leanings of a headache (hello, ibuprofen). Becky left with friend Alicia (a lovely lady I didn't really know in college, but now has a beauuuutiful little boy. More babies!) and I am left feeling a tad old. I love the FOTCs. Did I need to go see them with 1,000 other people? Probably not. Does this make me oldoldold and slightly obsessive? Yes. My relationship with FOTC was personal, and confined to a box in my living room - - and people were screaming all over the relationship at the concert. Boooo, grumpy old lady. Was being with old and new friends just frickin' awesome? Yes it was. And worth the screaming. Oui.

Today looks beautiful. I'm gonna run and try and work off all the delicious bits of fried stuff from last night. It felt like a weekend, but it was just Tuesday.



Michael said...

Oh I wanted to see them... Lucky you!

Unknown said...

I agree with every aspect of your review of the show. Crowd stupid. I was also hankering for a cover. No such luck. But i had a great time.