Saturday, April 19, 2008

Anxiety dream about not being funny... amongst other things...

Ridiculous. Many more things to have anxiety dreams about.

Have had a conversation recently that brought up a couple things that I haven't done, or didn't get a chance to do, or lost the chance to do, and, at least when I'm all healthy and perspective-filled, I truly don't really care. There's better things around the corner. However, my wounded ego from.. six?.. years ago is still not all healed up, I guess. Ridiculous. Sooo... good, I guess, for this stuff to be dug up and dealt with; crappy to have anxiety dreams about it, however. (ooooh! The situation in the dream was so no fair!)

Good Stitch n' Bitch last night! Lovely! The audience is about 90% women, which a) makes us all giggle a little, b) makes sense, c) is smart, as I imagine its usually the girl who brings the boy to theater, in the general theater-going public. Looking forward to tonight.

Cast party at Laura's house, which was beautiful. And she fed us. She more than fed us. Grilled pork, and deviled eggs, and cupcakes, and veggies, and crab-creamcheese and why do I suddenly have a tummy ache warming up for the Adorable set?

Speaking of, yeaaaa Adorable!! We lost, but... Adorable!!! Weird set, and fun. Some okay moments, some goooood moments, and I can't wait 'til next rehearsal. Plus, it was awesome to just see Jill... a pretty darn satisfying night. (Followed by hangin' at the BNW, then hanging at the OC, and then tricking myself into sleeping)

Time to go blow my animals' minds. I'm moving the bed into the tiny room this morning. Lacey moves in around 2 p.m.. I go to work at 12noon. If I get this done around 10:30 a.m., there will be more exercising stuff, and that would be brilliant.

Have fun - - it's Saturday.


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