Sunday, April 06, 2008


I'm a sleepy kitty. Er.. maybe not sleepy. Maybe just.. movin'. Sleep when the weekends over, which is a lovely thing to say.

- Stitch n' Bitch rehearsal! Yea! Followed up by beer & Venture Brothers with Kevin! Evening of best awesomeness.

- Saturday morning Stitch n' Bitch, followed up by work at the Museum, followed up by being able to go home (w00t!) and chill for a while. Mistake made - - I thought I got to relax, pick up Partner in Crime, pick up Clarence, and attend a work party. Foolish Jen. Call from poor Bingo stage manager, and 30 tense minutes later, I was suddenly on stage at Bingo. ... It was, actually, a good show.

- Onto work party. A delight. Good peeps, good wine, good food. I give Steph her 'Flight of the Conchords'-obsessed Bust magazine (have you seen the latest Bust?? Seriously. I am the 13 year old I never was... *sigh*), and we watch some YouTube. Welcome to parties in the 21st century.

- 7:30 a.m. Sunday movie shoot. I am late. :( Harry is awesome, and gets me out of there around 9 a.m.. Race to Stitch n' Bitch rehearsal - yea! Drive to Indian Food with Jim and Dennis (and Sarah and Joe! YEAAAA). Now I'm at the Workshop, ready for some kid awesomeness (it's a performance day). Then onto Adorable rehearsal. And then onto a cocktail party, where I might hear some french. Then onto Sue's.

- Monday kinda looks like it might be a little more of the same. All good stuff... just.. whew. Can't complain when there's a lot of it. But 6:45 a.m. this morning will be paid for tonight. When it rains...

- Onward.. :)

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