Sunday, April 20, 2008

When time stretches out, sometimes it's nice...

It's Sunday! Wasn't yesterday a lifetime ago? Yes it was!

Woke up with the animals yesterday, and began to move. I moved my full-size bed into the eensy room upstairs. I moved almost everything else either into this eensy room, or into the poor unused (and slightly trashed) big bedroom upstairs. My new bedroom is blue and claustrophobic. I just need to do some arranging, so that it's blue and cute. This difference is possible!

Good Stitch n' Bitch last night. Again, some beautiful crafting projects in the audience. :) Sold out, good show, and some of my favorite people in the world were there.

Ate dinner at Rainbow Chinese afterwards (delicious), and kinda messed up the possibility of going out (phone was turned off.. em). However, a lovelylovely evening was had. Seriously lovely.

I'm gonna go see if I can track down those I missed last night. I'm gonna go use my new fixed bathroom and go to improv. I'm gonna get done with improv around 7 p.m.. These things may be true.

Roomie has almost moved in! Huzzah!


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