Thursday, April 24, 2008

well... that was dumb...

So.. Wednesday night was lovely. Got to see Partner in Crime. We went to the Red Dragon (can you see all those red flags?? Why did I decide to ignore red flags??) We each had four potstickers and one and half Wondrous Punches. (Listen to the sirens! Look at the bomb shelter signs) In the midst of inhaling said one and a half Wondrous Punches, Drew and I had fabulous conversation, got asked to be in a fight, I found myself in a drunken, cute hipster guy sandwich, and got told I had a French nose. (I still don't know what they means. I assume big.)

I drove home, took a bath, attempted human-things, and passed out in my house coat in bed.

This morning sucked. owwwwww... All those plans of getting stuff done blown out the window, as I took two more bathes (Bathes = feel better), attempted to eat/drink, attempted to relax my body (lay down! be warm!), and emptied my stomach.

It all ended around 4 p.m., in a Lunds parking lot in Hopkins. Some poor 5th grader now has a gross story to tell his mom when she got back to the car. Hopefully, he thought I was possibly pregnant or undergoing chemo, something honorable vs. the dumb truth.

I did get some stuff done! Went to Old Log, took pictures of the "Forever Plaid" boys (that was fun. They are a cute and catty group of boys.). 'Got Pickles a haircut (he looks very dashing). 'Got to rehearse with Josh and Ellie, which was a blast. And finally, and bestest, got to eat dinner with Ellie. :) Successfully held down a chicken burrito and girl conversation. Absolute loveliness! (No breakfast or lunch, but my calorie count is still tip top for today!)

My roomie's cat is out and about in the house. We're all dealing. I like the cat quite a bit, except when there's attacking going on. We're (Pickles, Sebastian and myself) all a bit paranoid, cuz this seems to scare all of us uniformly.

Last weekend of Stitch n' Bitch! 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Bryant Lake Bowl - - good stuff! Also, Friday night, I'll be playing piano for Neutrino, 10:30 p.m. at the Bryant Lake Bowl. Neutrino's brilliant (improvised movie madness!); please ignore my underscoring.

My dad passed away a year ago (4/23/07). It's so strange. I wasn't sure whether to call my mom or sister, nor was I sure what to say. I didn't reach either of them. It still feels like I should be able to call him. I never want that feeling to go away.

Last thing.. I almost have a bedroom now. Photos soon to be posted. It stinks of thrift store glory and blue paint. mmmmmmmmmm... yum.

Good luck and good weekend! :)


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