Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wheww!! Opening opened! Hoping the second show goes good...

"Stitch, Bitch n' Die" opened last night. It did feel like congratulations!! Not so much that it got put together in under four weeks (w00t!), but rather that it actually feels like a show. A big ole' "we're doin' theatre and workin' hard for over 45 minutes" show.. and that's exciting! (It's been a while) I left the show sweaty and hungry - - awesome.

And we had knitters in our front row!! It felt like they were part of our knitting group/part of the show: the silent introverts that don't say anything and put their knitting down when something happens, and then pick it back up again when everyone else is knitting. Thanks, knitters!!

A delicious gin n' tonic with some delicious soup (from my favorite waittress person at the BLB) and then onto IMPROV PUNCH OUT! Yeaaa!!! We lost (Gay/Straight Alliance makes my toes curl with happiness), but we fought hard. I feel pretty darn good about the set.. And super awesome nice people afterwards.. yea!!

And then did a set with my team at Six Ring. By this time, my brain had started to turn to mush. I maybe shouldn't have played with them (?? I don't know - - it was fun) but they took care of me. Puppets are FUNNNNNN.

Took notes for ThunderClown and then home. Homehomehome.

- I'm eating alot of huevos rancheros lately. If there's a can of beans open, that's what I'm eating.

- My mom is getting political!!! This is kind of exciting, since we never heard much from her about this stuff growing up (we mostly got to hear about Dad's side, which was all fiscal republican, all the time) She's disgusted at how much we import from China, and is now going through her HyVee food store, looking at labels! I'm so frickin' proud (I had nothing to do with it, but I'm still proud) We also talked about the war, but we never really called it "The war"... we called it "this thing". Mom rocks.

- I almost typed "The was" vs. "The war"... that would be kinda nice, but I don't think it'll be "The was" for a while, unfortunately.. :(

- I get to have brunch tomorrow. I've been told there is brunch happening. This makes me happy.

- I just had 2 pieces of peanut butter and jelly toast. There is nothing wrong and everything right about peanut butter and jelly toast. You make think it's just an excuse to eat peanut butter and jelly, but.. no.. you know what's underneath? Toast. Toast is flippin' brilliant. Seriously...

- I've just blogged about peanut butter and jelly toast.. But I'M NOT ERASING IT. ... um... yes.

Three "Value of Life" shows at the Museum today (they're 15 minutes long, but.. you know), our second "Stitch n' Bitch" show (we're gonna do ever more better... right? right!), and maybe go open up for the BNW mainstage improv set? Doug can't do it, so Tim asked if Vaudeville would be interested in joining him. Um.. yes. I kinda feel like I shot my improv wad, but let's just get back on the horse, Jen.


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

Stitch, Bitch n' Die was delightful! It was such a fun show.