Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Well... damn.

I need to go deposit a check and prepare for tonight, which should be fine.

Long days at the Museum are a bit strange, as it blurs into the nothingness of office stuff, going outside of a bit, and then suddenly, you're all upset on stage. Or, you're all outgoing on stage. Or, you're a screaming puppet on stage. And then it's back to blur.

Six Ring last night was lovely. Huzzah all!

Lame-o blog. Buttt..., please check out Stitch, Bitch n' Die this weekend, Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. at the BLB - it's funn! - ANNNND - - PUNCH OUT! 11 p.m.! Friday! Brave New Workshop! We're scheduled to make Jill Bernard cry in her hot pants. (or possibly have our hoo's punched in.. just sayin')

And if you have any urge to come to a public Forum to learn about Nanoscale technology in May, my god, do I have a deal for you.


1 comment:

Jill said...

Nano forum?? Do tell.