Friday, April 04, 2008

Got eaten by the week...

Yes. The week went and swallowed me whole.

- Last performance for my Anoka girls' group. They did awesomely, and were amazingly comfortable on stage. The head of Children's Mental Health for Anoka County brought everyone roses. As a girl who never received flowers after doing a show until I was in my 20s, that was pretty darn awesome to me.

- We had a Forum about Nanoscale technology! The catering arrived! This happened within a hour of the girls' group performance. Thinking of these two things together still makes my shoulders tense.

- I scrambled. I ran. I could only spend a singular amount of time on each thing, cuz everything else needed to be done.

- Steph and I did a mini-forum on Nanoscale bit, in which we both acted and moderated. That... is exhausting.

- I got my haircut (which was lovely). Still not sure. We'll see.

- I only get my haircut when my eyebrows are doing strange things. This causes my stylist to offer waxing services on a semi-regular basis. I know she's just cookin' up business for her friend, but... c'mon.

- Six Ring Circus! We did puppets! Bwahahahaha! Very pleased. Very happy. Very indulgent.

- Tina was there with her kids, and I didn't even recognize her at first. I guess it's been five months since we've last seen each other. It was wonderful to see her, and see her out of context! teee!

- The education dept at the Museum had a snackster party, which is all shades of brilliant. Basically, it's those mini-1970's-sandwich makers. Everyone brought different fillings, and snacking seriously happened. Nutella, marshmellow fluff, bananas, chocolate chips and white bread is brilliant.

- Rehearsal tonight. Party tomorrow. I'm late on my mortgage, and that sort of blows. Travels coming up, and that's kind of nice. Gonna see if I can sneak out of the museum after my Value of Life nazi shows, and do things like exercise, eat, memorize, and maybe stop by a thrift store. Cuz I'm broke and late on mortgage, which means I should spend! Lame. Thanks, America.

- The theme for today is recovery. This began last night, when I got taken care of a bit, and fed soup. Tonight, I might have a beverage. ...w00t.

- Onward.

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