Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Go paint, lady....

Yes. I should get off my butt. But just sitting and going blahhh for a little bit is nice too.

Did a bit of filming last night, in the alley behind the Brave New Workshop. It was excellent, Harry rocks, the whole team rocks. It was "acting-by-heavy-breathing" (not that sort of breathing... dirty people) - - I hope it looks good. It may just be me, making horrible hopefully-scared-looking faces, running, and breathing heavily. We shall see. It was still fun.

And chilly! My god. Not the 'we're all going to break into tiny blocks of ice' freezing, but that slow sort of creep that sits down into your bones and waits. Bah. It's still there. I love my space heater. I love my electric blanket.

Onto Pepito's for miss Lauren Anderson's b-day!!! How awesome is that?! It WAS awesome... good times, good people, I love me a margarita (and Mike tried mole'... hi mike! I want to try and replicate some mole.. there's mixes at Cub... Mike, if you want to attempt some at-home mole, please let me know.. All else fails, it will just be chicken and chocolate, and that's fine too) :)

Talked to my sister. My sister actually gives damn good advice, but I'm not sure how I feel about this advice yet.

"Stitch n' Bitch.." opens this Friday. It's almost a show! Excitement! I can also officially drink out of a wine box, fairly successfully. It is fairly satisfying - - you actually feel somewhat accomplished. Science Museum and a little bit of sleeping in, maybe. After one hour of actual painting and then bed. Deal? Deal.


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